Innovative Tokenization

Fixed Supply & Duration

TELE protocol allows deployers to set the total supply of tokens and the mint duration (how long the mint can last). Users can vie for a limited number of tokens within a set timeframe. In TELE V2, Jettons can be transferred 8 hours after the duration ends.

Thoughtful & Sustainable Deployment

Tickers, valued for the distinctiveness of their deployment names, have become sought-after assets. However, unchecked issuance across diverse ecosystems has led to excessive tickers, resulting in the occupation and wastage of high-quality resources.

In light of this, we advocate for a discerning deployment mechanism that requires users to recognize the value of tickers by paying a nominal amount in $TON. We trust that users will deploy thoughtfully to counteract any malicious attempts at mass inscription, thereby ensuring the sustainable development of the TON ecosystem.

Upon successful deployment, users are rewarded with a Tick NFT, serving as both a deployment voucher and the exclusive credential for potential lucrative rewards in the future, including the mint fee share and consistent transaction fees on our DEX. In TELE V2, we allow deployers to set up the fee-sharing percentage up to 90%.

Fair Mint

To forestall a bot rush that may render genuine users unable to participate or even suffer losses, TELE protocol introduces a simple yet effective mechanism. Users pay a small amount of $TON preset by the deployer to mint, maximizing the assurance of user authenticity and offering every genuine user a fair experience.

Users pay mint fees per mint, with each token's cost determined by each deployer. Users can choose to participate as they wish. Early mint participants will also receive platform rewards.

*For a simplified user experience, the mint fee will cover the gas fee of TONchain which will be deducted and sent by TELE. Click to explore the TONchain fee:

SocialFi Mint

In TELE V2, we allow users to monetize their influence by granting each Jetton one invite link. Users share the invite link and earn 10% of their invitee's minting amount as the referral rewards. With the same cost, you may earn a lot more Jettons than less influential users.

Dynamic Mint

While most market inscription-like tokens use delayed settlement, TELE protocol adopts an innovative mint mechanism for the best user experience. Users not only receive the inscription-like tokens in real time but also enjoy the excitement of the random variation in the number of tokens.

  • The mint duration is measured in hours, with TELE protocol providing an estimated minting quantity for user reference.

    • Within each hour, the quantity users can receive per mint attempt is determined by the total number of tokens minted in that hour. The more tokens have been made, the fewer tokens a user can receive.

    • Settlements in the current duration will affect the quantity available for mint in the next duration.

  • If, within the set duration by the deployer, the tokens are not fully minted, the first user to mint after the duration can receive all remaining uninscribed tokens, which we call Last Sniper. But please note, Last Sniper won't enjoy referral rewards to keep the max supply fixed.

  • When deploying tokens, the deployer can predefine the initial mint speed, namely the minting times per hour, representing the initial limit for user participation and minting speed to ensure smooth and stable minting. We will offer reference values to deployers. This allows for timely adjustments in minting speed and amount, preventing rapid depletion in the initial phase.

Last updated